Know how and added value
Client Approach:
- Identify possible non commercial risks which might have a financial damage on the professional activity;
- Quantify these risks using all necessary tools of risk measurement;
- Grade into hierarchy the risks by potential damage and eventual concurrency;
- Reduce all controllable risks;
- Decide either to retain the risk once evaluated or transfer it to an Insurance company.
The objective of HB as an insurance broker is to make sure that all the risks of our clients are evaluated, calculated and covered.
Client Insurer Dynamics:
- Make sure that insured risks are covered at the replacement value;
- Find the best market practice on the insurance market, either on the local market or the international market if necessary with the support of our world-wide network;
- Make sure that the insurer satisfies our standards of requirements in terms of financial capabilities, service, quality, and reactivity;
- Assist the client in case of claim through a comprehensive approach to claim settlement.
Client Focus and Process:
Risk Management
- Risk Profile (Identification, Evaluation)
- Risk Control (Elimination, Reduction, Prevention)
- Risk Transfer (External, Internal)
Our Role is; to make sure that the insured risks are covered at the replacement value
Claims Management
- Build shortest line of communication (Insurers, Third party administrations, your company)
- Daily claim handling for conclusion to all claims (facilitate & resolve disputes)
- Statistics & Comparison for renewal strategy (handle losses below retention levels)
Our Role is; to assist the client in case of claim through a comprehensive approach to claim settlement
Premium Management
- Premium Invoicing
- Supervision & Payment
- Local Requirement & Taxes
Our Role is; to make sure that the insurer satisfies our standards of requirements in terms of financial capabilities, service, quality and reactivity.
Policy Management
- Reduces administrative burden (Policies, Wordings, Procedures)
- Prepare effective renewal strategy (Periodic review & updated Risk Information)
- New Coverage (New exposure or sites)
Our Role is; to find the best market practice on the insurance market, either on the local market or international market if necessary with the support of our worldwide network.
House Insurance Quote
* Sorry, the is not valid.
Car Insurance Quote
* Sorry, the is not valid.
Travel Insurance Quote
* Sorry, the is not valid.
Life Insurance Quote
* Sorry, the is not valid.